How To Survive (& Thrive) Through A Recession

In this episode, we provide updates on our respective businesses and share some advice for how small business owners can not only survive, but thrive during an economic downturn.
In this episode, we provide updates on our respective businesses and share some advice for how small business owners can not only survive, but thrive during an economic downturn. This includes reviewing a viral post from Patrick Campbell (ProfitWell) about how business owners should be changing their mindset/behaviors, given all of the uncertainty in the market right now.

As always, we also provide updates on Castaway and EditorNinja, which include...
  • New homepage and editor profiles for EditorNinja
  • Insights from a round of customer interviews
  • Announcing James' acquisition of Productize & Scale
  • Plans to add on-demand services to Castaway
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Thanks & Recognition
This episode was edited by PodPanda.
How To Survive (& Thrive) Through A Recession
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