Origin Stories: How We Found Our Business Ideas (+ Our Goals For Them This Year)

In this episode, we go into more detail about how we landed on our specific projects, what makes them worth pursuing, how we're fitting them into our existing lives, and what goals we have for them over the next year.
Update: You can now listen to this episode and our entire back catalog over on our YouTube channel!

In this episode, we go into more detail about how we landed on our business ideas, how we're fitting them into our lives, and what goals we have for them over the next year.

If you're interested in learning about how we...
  • Came up with the ideas for EditorNinja and Castaway
  • Determined that these ideas are worth pursuing
  • Plan to fit these projects into our already-busy lives
  • Structure our day for maximum effectiveness (without burning out)
  • Define "success" for ourselves over the next year
...then you should give it a listen. We think you'll really enjoy it.

Resources Mentioned In This Episode:
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Origin Stories: How We Found Our Business Ideas (+ Our Goals For Them This Year)
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