How Much Hand-Wringing About Growth Is Too Much?

In this episode, we provide updates on our respective businesses and discuss how much hand-wringing about business growth is healthy. It's easy to get emotionally attached the performance of our business, so we share thoughts around when to separate yourself from your company.
In this episode, we provide updates on our respective businesses and discuss how much hand-wringing about business growth is healthy. It's easy to get emotionally attached the performance of our business, so we share thoughts around when to separate yourself from your company.

As always, we also provide updates on Castaway and EditorNinja, which include...
  • Whether or not John should hire an operator for EN
  • How to build top-level pages that convert well
  • What to do when your sales pipeline dries up
  • The Four Burners theory of managing your time and energy
  • A new Fractional CMO opportunity for James
Sound interesting? You should give it a listen. We think you'll really enjoy it.

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Thanks & Recognition
This episode was edited by PodPanda.
How Much Hand-Wringing About Growth Is Too Much?
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