Lean Marketing Ideas for Bootstrapped Businesses

In this episode, we provide updates on our respective businesses and brainstorm a few ideas for how early-stage business owners can start getting attention for their product or service with limited budget and resources.
In this episode, we start by brainstorming a few ways that early-stage business owners can attract prospective customers, even when their time, money, and resources may be limited. Part of the conversation is a friendly debate about how you should distribute your effort between short-term strategies (Ex: paid ads) and long-term strategies (Ex: SEO, Content Marketing).

As always, we also provide updates on Castaway and EditorNinja, which include...
  • When to bring on development help and how to find trustworthy providers
  • Doubling-down on marketing strategies that show promise
  • Why churn isn't always a bad thing (in fact, it's probably healthy)
  • How to use research, feedback, and observations to home in on "right fit" customers
Sound interesting? You should give it a listen. We think you'll really enjoy it.

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Lean Marketing Ideas for Bootstrapped Businesses
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