The Case Against Selling Subscription Services

In this episode, we provide updates on our respective businesses and discuss a tweet from TestimonialHero's Sam Shepler suggesting that selling subscription services isn't the "obvious win" it's often made out to be.
In this episode, we start by talking about a recent post from TestimonialHero's Sam Shepler, in which he suggests that selling subscription services isn't always the "no-brainer" that it's made out to be. John and I share our thoughts on the matter, considering both of our companies current sell subscription offerings.

As always, we also provide updates on Castaway and EditorNinja, which include...
  • Year-to-date revenue updates
  • New service offerings (bundled word count and personal branding)
  • New team members (editors, video editors, and editorial leads)
  • The need for better project management "plumbing"
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The Case Against Selling Subscription Services
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