What Is The Right Time (& Price) To Sell Your Company?

In this episode, we provide updates on our respective businesses and have an open-ended discussion about how to know when it's the right time to "cash in" by selling your business.
In this episode, we start by talking about how to know when it's the right time to "cash in" and sell your business. When is the right time to open your mind to selling the company? How do you know when an offer is an okay deal versus a no-brainer? What can you do today to prepare yourself for an eventual sale? We share our thoughts on each of those point and more.

As always, we also provide updates on Castaway and EditorNinja, which include...
  • What to do when a marketing decision kills your sales call/demo volume
  • How to structure your website navigation when you offer numerous services
  • Whether you should be a niche specialist or an end-to-end solution
  • Where to start with process and training documentation
  • How to build a personal brand to drive new leads for your business
Sound interesting? You should give it a listen. We think you'll really enjoy it.

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What Is The Right Time (& Price) To Sell Your Company?
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