How To Qualify Prospects During The Sales Process

In this episode, we provide updates on our respective businesses and discuss how we qualify prospects during the sales process. It's tempting to take the "easy money" of a new client, but focusing on right-fit opportunities is always better in the long run.
In this episode, we provide updates on our respective businesses and share how we qualify prospects for our services during the sales process. It's tempting to take the "easy money" of a new client, especially in the early days, but it's better to focus on right-fit clients from the start to set your business up for long-term success.

As always, we also provide updates on Castaway and EditorNinja, which include...
  • Another new hire for EditorNinja!
  • Setting benchmarks for performance before investing in sales/marketing
  • Continuing to iterate on offers until you find the right option
  • Using "slow periods" to dial in your operational efficiency
  • Gearing up for a podcast promo tour
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This episode was edited by PodPanda.
How To Qualify Prospects During The Sales Process
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